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Truth Seeking Atheist



I grew up believing in god, I mean, who didn’t? It was obvious there was a god. All this stuff couldn’t just come from nothing, it couldn’t just create itself. Seriously... look at the trees, the butterflies, the rainbows. If god didn’t create all this then who did?
So, does god exist?

Which god?
This, at first glance, appears to be a very simple, straightforward question. But is it? Clearly, though not obviously to me throughout my life, the first point of clarification would be ‘which god’? Yes, like the vast majority of Christians , of which I was one for the longest time, there was only one god. You know, god, the god, the creator of the universe, the one who made everything including all of us – that one, the Christian god. I was brought up believing there was only one god and all the others I had heard about – Allah, Krishna and Buddha were false gods - Zeus, Odin and Apollo were simply made up fiction. To me there was a distinction between false gods and mythical gods, and mine was neither, he was the true living god. How wrong I was.

Reasons for non existence

Arguments for God

* I am constantly seeking the truth. If I am in error somewhere on this page I would be very grateful if you would point it out; I will gladly alter both the website and my worldview accordingly.

I'm sure we can all benefit from your ideas, suggestions, thoughts and musings.
