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Of all the apologetics arguments out there, this is by far the least sophisticated.
It goes as follows:
"It's undeniable there's a god, I mean, it's obvious - just look at the trees! Look at the sky and the mountains and the bunny rabbits. They couldn't just get there by themselves. They had to be created by someone. If god didn't create them, then who did?"
There is so much wrong with this perspective...

What came first?
This conversation is usually followed up with:
"So, where did the tree come from?"
"It came from a seed"
"Where did the seed come from?"
"It came from the 'parent' tree"
"And where did that tree come from?"
"Well, it also came from a seed"
"Yes, but who made the first tree?"
This is the same argument as the "who created the mountains and bunny rabbits"
And that, right there, is the flaw in the argument.

Creation vs Naturalism
We don't simply get to call something created until we can demonstrate that it was in fact created.
How can we tell if something was created as opposed to coming about by natural means?

Sometimes it is clear - a car, for example, to the best of our knowledge, has never come about by natural means. All cars have been planned and designed; parts sourced and assembled in huge factories employing thousands of workers - it is created!

Sometimes it is a little less obvious - a pond, for example, could form as a the result of rainwater filling a hole in the ground or it could be formed by someone digging a hole, lining it with concrete over a plastic sheet and painting the concrete with a waterproof paint eventually filling it with water.
Both these instances qualify as ponds, yet one clearly formed by natural means while the other was created!

How do you tell the difference?
We compare it with examples we already know.
We know from experience water trickling down and filling a hole in the ground simply happens naturally, while we have numerous examples of people designing and constructing ponds.

So, which category do trees fall into?
Did they come about by natural means or were they created?
The same question holds true for all other aspects of nature. Where did the mountains and bunny rabbits come from? Were they created or did they come about by natural means?

"Obviously they were created", is usually the apologist's response, "everything couldn't just come from nothing!"
Nobody I know would ever say anything comes from nothing.
So, if it wasn't created by a god and it didn't come from nothing - how is it that we have trees?

How did we get here?
This is a three part answer, and due to the length and complexity of each of these parts, I will create separate pages for each of them.

  1. Big Bang Theory
    Deals with the event that brought about the existence of matter and time into our universe.

  2. Abiogenesis
    Deals with the coming about of life from non-life.

  3. Evolution
    Deals with the progression of life from it's simplest of forms to where life finds itself now.

* I am constantly seeking the truth. If I am in error somewhere on this page I would be very grateful if you would point it out; I will gladly alter both the website and my worldview accordingly.


I'm sure we can all benefit from your ideas, suggestions, thoughts and musings.
