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When it comes to proving the existence of Jesus there are two basic sources we need to take into account.
  1. Biblical Accounts
  2. Extra-biblical Accounts

Biblical Accounts
Apologists will tell you there are multiple independent early sources for Jesus. What they are referring to here are the Gospels and the book of Acts.
Considering, of the gospels, Mark was written first and used as source material for Matthew and Luke. John and Acts are derivitives of the first three gospels making it one source, not multiple. Since they are in many instances copied verbatim from one another they can hardly be called independent.

When they speak about 'early' sources they are always refering to the creed cited in 1 Corinthinas 15 (which I have debunked here, and will create a page on this website dedicated to these verses soon).

So, we have neither 'multiple', 'early' nor 'independent' biblical sources for existence of Jesus.

I also have an issue with the credibility of the Bible as a whole and the gospels specifically. The Bible is filled with contradictions, misintepretations, errors and ommissions (all of these will get their own pages in due course).

If the Bible is shown to be less than credible with the simplest of stories, how could it be used as source material for the most important of issues - the life, death and resurrection of the saviour of all mankind?

Extra-biblical Accounts

You can watch my YouTube video titled: 'Is there proof of Jesus outside the Bible?' where I go into a lot more detail on the subject.

* I am constantly seeking the truth. If I am in error somewhere on this page I would be very grateful if you would point it out; I will gladly alter both the website and my worldview accordingly.


I'm sure we can all benefit from your ideas, suggestions, thoughts and musings.
