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In chapter 5 of book 6 of his work 'The Jewish War', Josephus tells us of a character named Jesus ben Ananias (often translated as 'Ananus').
This Jesus was a commoner who walked around prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem. The similarities between Jesus ben Ananius and the Jesus as depicted specifically here in the Gospel of Mark are, in the words of Dr. Richard Carrier in his book, 'On the Historicity of Jesus' - “too numerous to be at all probable as a coincidence”. I tend to agree - when you have one or two similarities, they could certainly be coincidental; but when dealing with a whole slew of similarities – someone copied from someone.

Both Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus ben Ananias:

Who copied from whom?
This is actually an interesting question.

Josephus competed his 'Jewish War' around 75AD.
The Gospel of Mark is believed to be written around 70AD.
These two facts alone don't necessarily imply that Josephus copied from Mark; the gospel would not have been in wide circulation within a few years, there could have been earlier draft copies of Mark and, although the consensus is Mark was written around 70AD, this date is by no means absolute. Mark could conceivably have been written after 'Jewish War'. This however is purely academic.

If Mark had copied from Josephus, then the Jesus as portrayed in the Gospel is at minimum a rehashing of another pre-existent figure and at worst entirely fictional.
If Josephus had copied from Mark, why bother changing the name of the character? Why not simply tell a historic account of Jesus of Nazareth?

Could it be because the person Jesus of Nazareth, an itinerant preacher who died an entirely unmemorable dishonourable death was later exalted by followers and memorialised as such in the ensuing gospels?

* I am constantly seeking the truth. If I am in error somewhere on this page I would be very grateful if you would point it out; I will gladly alter both the website and my worldview accordingly.


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