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When dealing with apologetics and counter-apologetics, it is critical to be sure we are talking about the same things when using words.

A good example of this -
Theists generally believe 'atheist' means someone who believes god doesn't exist, while an atheist understands it to mean 'no god claim has met it's burden of proof' or 'you say a god exists, and until you prove it - I don't believe you'.

This may seem like a small and insignificant difference, yet while it is small, it is not insignificant.

Okay, let's get into an agreement on words used:


You would expect this to be a fairly straightforward term without much confusion - and you would be wrong!
There are thousands of different denominations of Christians differing on many varied aspects of their doctrine. Finding similarities is more difficult than finding differences.

Christian  noun

A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity

The church appears to hold the ship steady by discouraging any deep questioning and keeping teachings and sermons as superficial as possible.


I've heard many times (mostly in jest) an agnostic is someone that doesn't have the balls to commit to calling themselves an atheist. The problem lies in a misunderstanding of what 'atheist' and 'agnostic' encompasses; they do not cover the same ground.

Agnostic  noun

A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.

The word 'Agnostic' is made up of the prefix 'a' (meaning 'not') and the root 'gnostic' (meaning 'to know') - hence agnostic means 'not known' or 'unknown'


Gnostic  adjective

Relating to knowledge, especially esoteric mystical knowledge.

The word 'Agnostic' comprises the prefix 'a' (meaning 'not') and the root 'gnostic' (meaning 'to know') - hence agnostic means 'not known' or 'unknown'


Atheist  noun

A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods

The word 'Agnostic' is made up of the prefix 'a' (meaning 'not') and the root 'gnostic' (meaning 'to know') - hence agnostic means 'not known' or 'unknown'


Essentially, theodicy is the apologetic defending the Problem of Evil. Offering explanations why God would allow suffering in the world.

Theodicy  noun

the vindication of divine providence in view of the existence of evil


Proponents believe the natural world, and the unfolding of the natural world, is governed by natural forces alone.

Philosophical Naturalism  term

the idea or belief that only natural laws and forces operate in the universe.


Proponents believe that supernatural or spiritual forces have no role to play in the natural world.

Methodological Naturalism  term

The idea or belief that no reference can be made to the supernatural as an explanation for the natural world


Intercessory  noun

1 : the act of interceding.
2 : prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another.


Something cannot exist if it has contradictory attributes.
It's important to note I am speaking here about logical contradictions, not philosophical ones.
Philosophically, anything can be possible while logically this is only the case if the possibility has been shown.

Logical Contradiction  term

A fundamental Law of logic - the Law of Non-Contradiction, where a statement and it's denial cannot both be true simultaneously


  • A cup cannot be 100% blue and 100% red simultaneously
  • A married bachelor (someone cannot be simutaneously married and unmarried)
  • A square triangle (by definition a square having four sides cannot be a triangle having three sides)


I'm sure we can all benefit from your ideas, suggestions, thoughts and musings.