Does God exist? History of God God of the Gaps Pascale's Wager
Did Jesus exist? Extra-Biblical Evidence Jesus ben Ananias Jesus ben Panthera Minimal Facts Argument Was Jesus divine?
Prophecy Contradictions


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Truth Seeking Atheist



Doesn't it just drive you insane?

It raises my blood pressure a little when I listen to the religious justify their positions.

I often debate the faithful, and the discussion always seems to run along the same lines:

  1. They begin with unsubstantiated assertions
  2. When challenged and offered facts that counter these assertions, they (not all, but a large number) will lie or make up their own facts.
  3. Once they realise this avenue leads nowhere they produce either the 'faith' or 'personal experience' cards... or both!

This is one of the reasons for this website!

Ready reference for debates
Frustratingly I have found, even in my own discussions, I all too often don't have sufficient information at my fingertips to press my point home.
This website is meant to be an all inclusive source of factual information that is easy to reference in a hurry for atheists, skeptics and non-believers alike who are engaged in a discussion and need easily accessible facts in a hurry!

Points of Clarification
Throughout this website:

  • When I refer to 'God' it is the classical Christian God as depicted in the Bible
  • All Bible verses are from the English Standard Version (ESV), I have found it is the simplest version to read and understand.
    Of the two most popular versions available today - the NIV is copyrighted and the KJV is simply unnecassarily complicated.
    Besides, it shouldn't matter which version you read if the Bible is God's Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and He has preserved His Word (Psalm 12:6-8)

My book in progress
The second of the reasons for this website is, along with the videos on my youTube channel, a result of research undertaken for the book I am busy writing.
As the writing of my book progresses and I uncover new information I will be updating the website along the way, and I encourage anyone and everyone to help build this database of information.

Website continually updated
I welcome everyone's assistance...
Every page on this site has a comments section that can be used to supplement the information on that page.
There is a section where you can write a lengthy, yet interesting and informative blog post.
If you wish to keep the correspondence discreet, feel free to email me at kobin@mweb.co.za.

Don't forget to visit the site regularly to see what has been added as we continually build the database of information...

Thank you.

Truth Seeking Atheist
YouTube channel